List of All Conversations

  1. Are there any cookies left?
  2. Are you a basketball fan?
  3. Are you a morning person?
  4. Are you busy tonight?
  5. Are you free on Saturday?
  6. Are you going to work overtime today?
  7. Are you good at math?
  8. Are you good with people?
  9. Are you hungry?
  10. Are you married?
  11. Can he dance well?
  12. Could we postpone our meeting until next Monday?
  13. Could you recommend a good Italian restaurant?
  14. Did you live in America last year?
  15. Do you believe in ghosts?
  16. Do you come here often?
  17. Do you ever take a nap?
  18. Do you have a girlfriend?
  19. Do you have any children?
  20. Do you have any pets?
  21. Do you have time tomorrow afternoon?
  22. Do you know Katie's phone number?
  23. Do you like snowboarding?
  24. Do you mind if I take this chair?
  25. Do you play video games?
  26. Do you want to hang out on Saturday night?
  27. Have you ever been to England?
  28. Have you seen this movie yet?
  29. How did you hurt your leg?
  30. How do you feel?
  31. How do you get to work?
  32. How have you been?
  33. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
  34. How long have you lived in your apartment?
  35. How long is this movie?
  36. How many people work at your company?
  37. How many siblings do you have?
  38. How much do you want for it?
  39. How often do you clean your house?
  40. How old are you?
  41. How was your trip?
  42. How was your weekend?
  43. How's it going?
  44. How's the weather?
  45. Is there any milk in the fridge?
  46. What are the best restaurants in this area?
  47. What are you doing later?
  48. What are you doing now?
  49. What are your plans for the weekend?
  50. What did you do last weekend?
  51. What did you do yesterday?
  52. What did you get up to last weekend?
  53. What do you do in your free time?
  54. What do you do?
  55. What do you like to do on the weekend?
  56. What do you think about this restaurant?
  57. What happened to your shirt?
  58. What have you been up to?
  59. What is the best hotel that you have ever stayed at?
  60. What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
  61. What is your best friend like?
  62. What is your dream vacation?
  63. What is your favorite season?
  64. What is your favorite song of all time?
  65. What is your hobby?
  66. What is your name?
  67. What is your phone number?
  68. What kind of music are you into?
  69. What makes you happy?
  70. What should I wear?
  71. What should we do before the concert?
  72. What sports do you like?
  73. What ticks you off?
  74. What time do you usually wake up on the weekend?
  75. What time is it?
  76. What time is the meeting?
  77. What time will the store close?
  78. What will you do after work today?
  79. What will you do this weekend?
  80. What's going on?
  81. What's new with you?
  82. What's the matter?
  83. What's up?
  84. When do you normally get to work?
  85. When is your birthday?
  86. When will you finish work today?
  87. Where are you from?
  88. Where are you heading?
  89. Where are you off to?
  90. Where did you go on vacation?
  91. Where did you grow up?
  92. Where do you like to hang out with your friends?
  93. Where do you live?
  94. Where is your favorite place to study?
  95. Why do you think that New York City is the best place to live?
  96. Would you like anything to drink?
  97. Would you like coffee or tea?
  98. Would you like some coffee?
  99. Would you like to watch a movie with me?